

Workshop on Friendship in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics VIII, 1-7

October 19-20, 2018

Located at Union College in Milano Lounge in Hale House

Schedule for Aristotle Workshop

Poster for Aristotle Workshop













































Workshop on Virtue and Emotion in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics IV.5-9

October 16-17, 2015

Located at Union College in the Schaffer Library Periodical Reading Room

Program for Aristotle Workshop    

Poster for Aristotle Workshop







Workshop on the Ethics of Forgiveness and Revenge

Banner Artwork: “The Philosophers“, by Lindsay Rapp. The piece depicts women philosophers working and studying together. There are seven women. The number seven, Rapp explains, represents completeness and perfection. The women are adorned in gold to symbolize wisdom. The books represent the foundations of knowledge and the tall ceilings and open sky represent the limitlessness of knowledge. The plaques on the bookcases include the names of women philosophers such as Simone de Beauvoir, G.E.M. Anscombe, Hypatia, and Joyce Mitchell Cook, who is the first Black woman in the USA to receive her PhD in Philosophy. The upper level of the library is a mirror image of the The School of Athens by Raphael. The light-haired woman dressed in red is pointing slightly upwards and the brunette opposite her, dressed in blue, is pointing slightly downwards, just as Plato and Aristotle do in Raphael’s The School of Athens. The reference to Raphael’s painting is meant to reflect the evolution of philosophy in the West from what traditionally has been considered a male-dominated field to becoming (albeit slowly) more diverse and inclusive. Finally, the painting is a recognition of all the women who have made important contributions to the history of philosophy and a celebration of the many diverse contributions yet to come.

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