Nicholas Goodrich - Senior Project

Secure Electronic Voting System

Senior Project

Voting is at the heart of the democratic system. In order for voting to be successful, as many voters as possible must cast their votes. At Union College we vote for a variety of positions including, the Executive Board, the Class Officers and a variety of representatives. Union is a perfect test bed for a new type of secure electronic voting system, which reduces fraud, increases usability and is easily scalable. Non-electronic voting systems oftentimes still use antiquated verification and tallying techniques that can oftentimes be prone to error. The Secure Electronic Voting System generates a voter registry utilizing biometric fingerprint data and a union college ID card number to efficiently registers and verify voters. This system is is comprised of a server side for posting and gathering election data and an easily reproducible kiosk as a voting station.


Who worked on this project

Advisor: Cherrice Traver

Advisor: Cherrice Traver

Nicholas William Maher Goodrich

Nicholas William Maher Goodrich

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