Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
The network usually consists of convolutional layer, pooling layer, and fully-connected layer.
- Convolutional layer (input layer – filter – feature map)
- Filter parameters: number of filters, stride, filter size and amount of zero padding.
- Learning parameters (weights and biases)

- Activation functions
- Sigmoid: σ(x)=1/((1+e^(-x)))
- Rectified linear unit (ReLU): f(x)=max(0,x)
- Tanh: tanh(x)=2σ(2x)-1
- Pooling layer
- Pooling parameters: number of filters, filter size, pooling ratio and amount of zero padding.
- Sensitivity irrelevant
- Common pooling methods are max, average, and sum.

- Loss function
- Softmax classifier: L_i=-log(e^(s_(y_i ) )/(∑1_j▒e^(s_j ) ))
where s_j is all incorrect class score and s_(y_i ) is correct class score.