COVID and Cancer

The current state of the U.S. healthcare system, as well as those around the world, is focused on the treatment of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 as well as vaccine development. State governments have been implementing numerous restrictions in order to limit contact between individuals in order to “flatten the curve”. The goal of “flattening the…

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All across the country, the current state of emergency is drastically affecting not only the U.S. healthcare system but also the economic infrastructure as a whole. The unemployment rate increased from 3.5% in March to 4.4% in April and then escalated up to 14.7% in May across the country – the highest it has been…

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Dealing with the Hardest of Times

When it comes to providing proper education, recreational activities, and resources for its residents, Watertown appears to do an A+ job. The community-oriented school system for youth, the number of job opportunities, as well as programs for those that are in a situation that makes it difficult to earn an income are all an integral…

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Keeping EVERYONE in Watertown Healthy…Continued

Let’s take an even closer look at the availability and accessibility of healthcare for the population of Watertown, CT. As discussed last time, there are plenty of practices that offer a variety of medical services for a majority of the town’s people which Is those that possess a stable job that offers health insurance. On…

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Keeping EVERYONE in Watertown Healthy

There are a number of private practices for primary care, pediatrics, dentistry, optic care, mental health, and a number of other specialties in Watertown and the nearby area. There are two major nearby hospitals in the city of Waterbury, right over the town line, Waterbury Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital. Most people I know from…

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Who is Watertown, CT?

A Connecticut town on the smaller side, Watertown is the home to a population of about 21,700 with a population density of 772 per square mile (which is on the lower side compared to other CT areas). This population possesses a racial demographic of 92% White, 3.7% Hispanic, 1.7% Asian, 1.3% Black, 0.2% Native American…

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Forget How to Log In?

Forget how to login to edit your site?   Go to Enter your campus network user name  and password, and you’ll be directed to the Dashboard of your site. This will take you to the Dashboard.   Along the top of the window is a black bar called the Admin Bar.        …

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Hello world!

Welcome to Union College Blogs & Websites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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