Webpage Blogpost

For this blogpost I decided to examine the International Institute of Social History’s presentation on political posters found within the People’s Republic of China (PRC). I decided to select this particular site for this blogpost as I feel the site provides some basic background regarding the PRC political posters that I was missing previously. In particular, I feel the information provided within the first 4-5 pages will be essential to my project. I also plan to use some of the propaganda presented within this presentation as part of my final project, although most of the posters will be coming from other sources I’ve already found. In summation, this source will help layout a solid base to then build upon. 



One thought on “Webpage Blogpost

  1. This seems like a great website for me as well, for DIng Cong is a political cartoonist. Do they have all types of political art, or is it just a specific poster exhibition? I will certainly look into this site for some basic background.

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