The Kelly Adirondack Center has compiled this list to raise awareness of the many counties, towns, institutions, and organizations sharing their histories with the public at facilities throughout the Adirondacks. It is not a complete list. It is constantly being updated as new digital materials are made available.
Adirondack Experience, Blue Mountain Lake
Adirondack Interpretive Center of SUNY ESF
Anderson Falls Heritage House Museum
Adirondack Sky Center & Observatory, Tupper Lake
Babbie Rural and Farm Learning Museum
Battle of Plattsburgh Association- War of 1812 Museum
Bluff Point Lighthouse Valcour Island on Lake Champlain
Boonville Black River Canal Museum
Camp Santanoni and the Santanoni Preserve
Champlain Valley Transportation Museum
Champlain Memorial Lighthouse at Crown Point
Charles Dickert Wildlife Collection
Chatfield Museum of Greenfield History
Clinton County Historical Association and Museum
Crandall Library’s Center for Folklife
Crown Point State Historic Site
Courthouse Gallery and Lake George Arts Project
Essex Community Heritage Center
Essex County Museum and Historical Society
Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library
Franklin County Historical & Museum Society
Fulton County Historical Society and Museum
Goodsell Museum, Town of Webb Historical Association
Hague Historical Museum/ Clifton West Historical Museum
Hancock House, Ticonderoga Historical Society
Herkimer County Historical Society, Moorehouse Historical Museum
Historical Museum of the Historical Society of Lake Pleasant and Speculator
Indian Lake Historical Society
Indian Lake Historical Society Museum
Kinnear Museum of Local History
Lake Champlain Maritime Museum
Lake George Battlefield Park Visitor’s Center
Lake George Historical Association Museum
Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society Museum
Lyon Mountain Mining and Railroad Museum
Minerva Historical Society Museum
Mt. Arab Nature Center and Museum
Natural Stone Bridge and Caves
North Star Underground Railroad Museum
Northern New York American- Canadian Genealogical Society
Northville- Northampton Historical Museum
Peck’s Park Historical Society and Museum
Piseco Lake Historical Society
Robert Louis Stevenson Cottage
Rural Museum and the Nellie Tyrrell Museum
Samuel de Champlain History Center
Saratoga Springs History Museum
Schroon- North Hudson Historical Society
St Lawrence County Historical Society and Museum
Town of Chester Museum of Local History