Cay Anderson-Hanley, PhD
Associate Professor Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Program Union College Schenectady, NY 12308 Office: Butterfield 304 Ph: 518-388-6355 The Health Aging & Neuropsychology Lab: Bailey 203Ph: 518-388-6430
Fax: 518-889-9856
email: andersoc@union.edu CV_AndersonHanley_2018
Recent or on-going research projects:
The interactive Physical and Cognitive Exercise Study (iPACES)
- iPACES v2.0 neuro-exergaming pilot in-home trial: Journal of Clinical Medicine (funded by NIA STTR Phase 1)
- iPACES v1.0 neuro-exergaming pilot in-home trial: Clinical Interventions in Aging
- iPACES v1.0 neuro-exergaming single bout pilot: Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
to view additional research from the Healthy Aging & Neuropsychology Lab (click here…)