Some examples of media that has featured my research include my US Congressional testimony before the US-China Economic & Security Commission which focuses on “US-China Competition in Global Supply Chains.”
My testimony was cited multiple times in the final US-China Commission’s 2022 Report to Congress, especially in Chapter 2, Section 4 – U.S. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Resilience .
I was featured in the South China Morning Post in an article “US is Facing Supply Chain Challenges, but so is China, Experts Say”
As well as a specialist journal: International Trade Today’s Export Compliance Daily, in an article, “New Export Control Regime Could Reduce Trade Tensions, Counter China, Professor Says.”
I presented some of my research on semiconductor export controls, supply chains and modularity at the CSIS-Chey Institute conference “Cooperation on Scientific Innovation, Supply Chains and Geopolitical Risk in Northeast Asia.”
I’ve also worked with the National Committee on US-China Relations on supply chain issues, including a practicum with US state-level local development agencies. I also moderated a talk with executives at TSMC (Peter Cleveland) and at 3M (Brittany Masalosalo) on “US-China Relations and Global Supply Chains”.
During the Chinese protests over COVID restrictions in 2022, I was interviewed by ABC, which was syndicated in Sinclair network, in a piece on “US companies stuck in limbo during China’s COVID-19 crackdown.”
My research has also been featured on World Bank blogs Let’s Talk Development, VoxEU, Politico, specialized trade journals like Export Compliance Daily, and other media, like TBS eFM This Morning (Korean radio), Sputnik News Agency, among others. And also on VoxPop at my local (and favorite) radio station WMAC in New York and Massachusetts concerning North Korean nuclear ambitions in March 2018 and again in April 2018.
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