Academic Journals


Bringing Automatic Stereotyping Under Control: Implementation Intentions as Efficient Means of Thought Control

Abstract: The evidence for whether intentional control strategies can reduce automatic stereotyping is mixed. Therefore, the authors tested the utility of implementation intentions— specific plans linking a behavioral opportunity to a specific response—in reducing...

Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students

Abstract: Despite efforts to recruit and retain more women, a stark gender disparity persists within academic science. Abundant research has demonstrated gender bias in many demographic groups, but has yet to experimentally investigate whether science faculty exhibit...

Co-creation in learning and teaching: the case for a whole-class approach in higher education

Abstract: There is a wide range of activity in the higher education sector labelled ‘students as partners’ and ‘co-creation in learning and teaching’. Several frameworks have been proposed to map and categorise existing partnership and co-creation roles, activities,...

Meaningful inclusion of diverse voices: The case for culturally responsive teaching in nursing education

Abstract: Communication and diversity are essential features of safe and effective health care and of a safe and effective nursing workforce. Fostering diversity and meaningful inclusion of diverse perspectives in nursing school classrooms, labs and clinical learning...

Making students’ work visible on the social web: A blessing or a curse?

Abstract: In this paper, we identify the implications for learning and teaching that emerge when students' assessable work is made visible to others through social media. We conducted a thematic analysis of transcripts from interviews with 20 Australian lecturers who...

Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity

Abstract: A host of simple teaching strategies—referred to as “equitable teaching strategies” and rooted in research on learning—can support biology instructors in striving for classroom equity and in teaching all their students, not just those who are already...

Teaching the Whole Student: Integrating Wellness Education into the Academic Classroom

Abstract: College students are increasingly reporting higher stress, which can negatively influence their personal and intellectual development. Greater academic challenges and new social experiences in college may be accompanied by stressors like mental health...

The Three A’s of Inclusion: Awareness, Authenticity, and Accountability

A diverse and inclusive culture creates the conditions for people to be their best selves. It unlocks potential and possibilities. And it differentiates an organization. The process of cultivating inclusion can help create a competitive advantage for your...

Syllabus under Construction: Involving Students in the Creation of Class Assignments

Abstract: Collaborative teaching techniques are designed to alter the relationship between the professor and the students in order to share the process of learning class materials. In a collaborative classroom, students are encouraged to participate in the design and...

Respect Differences? Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education

Abstract: In social justice education, it is common to establish guidelines for classroom discussions. We examine the limits of these guidelines in achieving the goals of social justice education, arguing that they are not responsive to power relations. Rather than...