The problem with todays society is that we are too quick to hear of problems that do not directly affect us and dismiss them. It is not anyones fault, it is just how the human brain works. It is in our genetics to be a little selfish. However with that being said, hearing about all the issues in the world about water from everyones presentation in class made me think. Why don’t we (Union College) acknowledge the ongoing water issues that concern other regions of the world?
Union College is not short of water by any means. In every building there is cold filtered water ready to be used. Also in the bookstore there are at least 5 different types of water being sold to students. So, getting water is no problem for Union College, but at the same time is exactly the problem. People are never thinking of ways to get more water, or getting cleaner water. To quote Where the Water Goes by David Owen, he states, “All I knew was that every time I attached a hose to a spigot and turned it on, I could run it full force until it was time to go home” (1). This is relatable because water is so assessable. Why would we fix something that is not broken? However, as humans we need to dig deeper and not think just about ourselves and think about the people less fortunate than us. We have a duty to use our resources and help others that can not help themselves. Make a movement bigger than ourselves. It starts with the student body leaders and how they can get all students on board in helping places that do not have water like us.