Zhang Yi Cheng-Biography





Hello everybody. My name is Zhang Yi Cheng. I was born on May 24, 1910 in a rural city called Zunyi in the province of Guizhou. I come from a family of farmers. My grandparents passed away before I was born. My parents are farmers and they work the land everyday to be able to provide for my two older sisters, my younger brother and I. Growing up, we were very poor, so I would have to help my parents work the land and also complete my studies. However, this was not an issue for me as I loved to read and learn new knowledge. No matter how tired I was after helping my parents, I would always finish my homework and find time to read.

Currently, I study at the university in Guangzhou, majoring in Economics. I have the opportunity to attend the university in Guangzhou  because I was the top of my class in Zunyi but the main reason I am able to attend is because my family had enough money to pay for my tuition after they sold my older sisters into marriages. When I am not at the university, I go back home frequently to visit my parents and younger brother. Every time I go back, I bring some books for my younger brother to read and learn new knowledge. I hope he joins me at the university in Guangzhou to study. I do not see my two older sisters very much because they have moved to Beijing with their husbands, but we try our best to stay in touch.

I took this job because I know that there are many great changes and reforms coming soon and I wish to contribute and play my part in our great nations history. I also took this job in order to better spread information to towns like my own to better inform the farmers of current events happening in our country. Thank you.

Zhang Yi Cheng


Hello, I am Kuan Han. I’m now 20 years old and am studying politics at university. Even though I am female, I am glad to have an education in this big city. My family lives in Beijing, and my father works as a cadre in the Communist Party. I have a two year older brother, who is also studying at university. Compared to other families, I think our family is relatively wealthier. My grandparents have already passed away, but I have heard that my grandfather was working as a politician. Our family is called one of the 紅五類, and I am proud to be.

I heard some people working as farmers are having a life wearing the same clothes and eating the same food for a long time. I haven’t been to those places before, but the lifestyles there differ entirely from mine. Compared to those people, I think I am lucky to have the opportunity to study at a university here.

This country has social disparities, and I am worried about if this situation can worsen.  I don’t know so much about other countries, but I am currently studying the policies that our leader is processing. By looking at his policies, I understood that our country is facing difficulties because we currently introduced a system that is not equal. I hope, in the future, we can change our world by shifting from old traditions and improving that social system. I wrote this blog to report what we must do to the public to improve our society.

Thank you for reading, and see you next time!