Tommy DeCaro

Welcome to my blog! My name is Zeng Yongzheng and I am 20 years old today! I was born to a modest family in a small rural village by the name of Xinghua. My family is very close and I am struggling being away from them. Back in Xinghua, I lived with my lovely mother, father, and my two grandparents who are too old to live by themselves. Xinghua is a farming village where we work from sun up to sun down trying to make ends meet. It was very demanding work and education opportunities were incredibly limited. Luckily my father thought education was very important for a young man like me, so my father made incredible sacrifices in order to provide me with the opportunity to attend local schools.

After discovering my love for writing, I took a huge leap of faith and embarked on a tough journey to become a writer while enrolled in university in the daunting big city of Beijing. Life in the big city was a scary change of pace from my quiet humble beginnings of working in the fields. The massive amounts of people and activities has been overwhelming yet exciting. The only thing that is important to me is making my father proud and taking advantage of the opportunities he has given me.

You may ask yourself, “hey Zeng Yongzheng, why leave your family behind and attempt to create a career in journalism during such a dangerous time in our country?” Honestly, to that question I will tell you that I am still attempting to find that answer out for myself. I guess the biggest thing to me is making my family proud and representing those impoverished families who have no voice for themselves (like my own). In our nation, we are undergoing massive political and social changes with the leadership of Mao. My background as the son of a farmer who has begun to experience the life in the big city and university, I believe I can offer a unique opportunity to help bridge the gap between the ones on the country side and the ones walking the streets of cities like Beijing. I hope to be a voice for the ordinary Chinese man who wants change.

I hope that you can follow along with my journey as I attempt to report on what is truly going on in our country!

See you next time,

Zeng Yongzheng

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