Zhu Baozhai – First Report from Chengdu

Sept 14, 1931 – My name is Zhu Baozhai and I am a 19 year old girl born in 1913. Growing up in the rural plains surrounding Chengdu, my father sold farming equipment. Though in past generations my family had also farmed, this new family business has brought us wealth in a time of such industry. I am the only daughter of my parents’ seven children, and so far we have four generations living with us in the home with my grandmother and eldest brother’s wife and daughter, which is quite honorable.

 My parents found it best that I attend university in the city to meet a well-educated future husband, particularly with connections to the international market, as my father sees it necessary for prosperity in our changing times. I am attending Huaxi University as it has good international opportunities, and I seek to study language, history and journalism. Though fine arts is a passion of mine and said to be more befitting of women than writing, my father does not see it as practical. I am unsure about the Christian faculty at Huaxi University, but they do not seem to make so much distinction between male and female students, which is a surprise after my schooling back home.

I have taken this job as a reporter to record what is happening in China during this tumultuous period. With our history of longstanding dynasties, each political shift is incredibly important. So recently have we seen encroachment from foreigners, and there are concerns about what Japan has planned. 

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