Posted on Apr 26, 1996

Karen Williams, counselor for the Health Professions Programs and adjunct
associate professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, recently presented a paper,
“An Antepartum Screening Questionnaire for Postpartum Depressive Symptoms
(PPDS)” at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Psychosocial
Obstetrics and Gynecology. This research study also was cited in a recent edition of Medical

Janet Anderson, Leslie Hull, Charles Scaife and Thomas Werner of
Chemistry participated in a Project Kaleidoscope Workshop titled “Revitalizing
Introductory Chemistry” recently at Columbia University. PKAL designated the
department's innovative non-major chemistry courses as a “Program That Works.”
The faculty members gave two workshops on the four courses that constitute the non-majors
component. They also served as consultants to other institutions planning changes in their
majors and non-majors chemistry courses.

Sigrid Kellenter, Thomas Lamont Professor of Ancient and Modern Literature
(German), has four new publications. She wrote the lead article in The German Studies
on the fairytale poems of the German poet Geertje Suhr titled “Geertje
Suhrs Maerchengedichte: Grimms Heldin meundig?”
The article is a substantial
revision and expansion of a paper delivered on this topic in Leipzig, Germany. Also, she
has written complete biographies on the German exile writers Hans Sahl, Walter Sorell and
Otto Zoff published in the edited volume Deutschsprachige Exilliteratur seit 1933:
Bibliographien USA.”

Todd Burgman, assistant professor of finance, is to give a talk titled
“Comparing the German and U.S. Corporate Governance Systems: Big Banks and Employee
Co-Determination vs. Stockholders and Takeover Threats” at a conference hosted by the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany held
this month in Washington. Also, he is to present a paper titled “The German Universal
Banking System and Corporate Finance” at the Multinational Finance Society annual
meeting in June.

George Gmelch, professor of anthropology, and Sharon Gmelch, director of
Women's Studies, published an article titled “Barbados' Amerindian Past” in the
winter issue of Anthropology Today. The article reviews what scholars have learned
from archaeological excavations of Amerindian settlement sites. Barbados' Amerindian
population disappeared shortly after the first European contact in the 1550s.

Thomas Werner, Florence B. Sherwood Professor of Chemistry, gave a presentation
titled “The Binding of Pyrene and Other Probes to CD Polymers” at the 8th
International Cyclodextrin Symposium in Budapest, Hungary. The paper was the result of
research with two senior research students – Jodie Iannacone and Mary Amoo – who were
co-authors. Both students worked on this project last summer and during the academic year.

Peter Heinegg, professor of English, has published a translation of God's
Gentle Rebels (Gottes sanfte Rebellen)
by Christian Feldman with Crossroad Press. The
book is a collection of short biographies of radical, eccentric or otherwise noteworthy
Catholic saints.

David Peak, Frank and Louise Bailey Professor of Physics, has received the 1996
Prize for Research in an Undergraduate Institution from the American Physical Society. The
prize was established by the Research Corporation to honor a physicist whose research in
an undergraduate institution has contributed to the professional development of
undergraduate physics students. Peak is on leave from Union College as visiting professor
of physics at Utah State University.