Posted on Feb 26, 1999

Friday, Feb. 26, through Monday, March 1, 8 and 10 p.m.
Reamer Auditorium.
Film Committee presents I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.

Friday, Feb. 26, 12:15 and 8 p.m.
Memorial Chapel.
Organist Christian Fink of the Holy Trinity Church in Berlin, Germany, will give a
one-hour lecture (12:15 p.m.) and concert (8 p.m.) of works by Bach, Bruhns, Scheidt and

Sunday, Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m.
Olin 115.
Showing of film Daughters of the Dust and discussion with Edward Pavlic, Africana
Studies at Union. Part of the College's dual exhibit on the American slave

Tuesday, March 2, 1:30 p.m.
Social Sciences 104.
Frank Mauro '67, executive director of Fiscal Policy Institute, will discuss the New
York State budget. Sponsored by Graduate Management Institute.

Tuesday, March 2, 7:30 p.m.
Nott Memorial.
“Solomon Northup and the Meaning of Freedom,” a lecture by Joseph Logston,
co-editor of the 1968 edition of Twelve Years a Slave. Part of the College's
dual exhibit on the American slave experience.

Wednesday, March 3, 7 p.m.
Nott Memorial.
Farida Abu-Haidar, Institute of Linguists, London, and expert on Maghreb (Francophone
North Africa), speaking on “Images and Self-Images of Maghrebian Women.”

Thursday, March 4, 5 p.m.
Olin 115.
Elizabeth Henry, Exponent, Schenenctady, on “Mercury Cycling in Lakes.” Talk
will focus on mercury contamination of fish in New York lakes. Sponsored by Environmental
Studies as part of the Lakes and Environmental Change series.

Through March 12.
Social Sciences Lounge.
Exhibit of color photography by James E. Schuck titled “Three Feet From the

Through March 19.
Arts Atrium.
Photography exhibit “Looking at Youth” features works by Donna Fitzgerald and
Mark McCarty.