John Garver, associate professor of geology,
was co-chair and organizer of a session, “Tectonics of the Kamchatka
Peninsula and Northern Pacific Basin,” at the American Geophysical
Union meeting in San Francisco in December. This session included a number
of researchers from around the world, including a number of Russian
geoscientists. Garver was author of a paper (with M.T. Brandon, A.V.
Soloviev and M.E. Bullen) titled “Volcanism and exhumation of the
Okhotsk-Chukotka Arc revealed by detrital fission-track ages of zircon
from the Ukelayet flysch, Kamchatka.” He was a co-author (with
Brandon and others) of “Eocene collision and obduction of the
Olutorsky island arc, Koryak highlands of Northern Kamchatka, Russian Far
East.” Also presented at the conference session on undergraduate
science education was a paper titled “Enhancing cross-disciplinary
learning through limnological studies in the Environmental Studies program
at Union College.” Authors were Garver, Paul Gremillion, assistant
professor of civil engineering; Donald Rodbell, assistant professor
of geology; Grant Brown, assistant professor of biology; and Michael
Hagerman, assistant professor of chemistry.