The Union College Academy for Lifelong Learning (UCALL) announces open registration for its spring 2006 program. Classes begin April 4.

UCALL aims to offer quality learning and enrichment opportunities for adults in Union College's tradition of liberal arts and academic excellence. All courses are held in the Reamer Campus Center Auditorium on the Union College campus.
The spring course offerings include: Energy's Impact Today and Tomorrow; American Poets of the Nineteenth Century; Humor: Laughing Matters;, Religions of the World; Biological Evolution; and Venetian Art.
Established in 1988, UCALL is a membership-based program for adults in the Capital Region. Courses cover a wide range of topics and are presented by its members, Union College professors and other qualified speakers.
UCALL courses don't require exams or pre-requisites. Classes are held for five 2-hour weekly sessions in the fall and spring on the Union College campus. The open-membership program currently has more than 200 participants.
Benefits offered to members of UCALL include: participation at UCALL seminars, UCALL Newsletter, borrowing privileges to Schaffer Library, attendance at special UCALL events and excursions, tuition waiver for one credit course offered through Union College (based on availability), access to Union College events such as films, theater, exhibits, concerts, sporting events and lectures as well as free parking.
Valerie D'Amario, a graduate of Russell Sage College in Troy N.Y. was appointed Director of UCALL in January 2005. A lifelong resident of Schenectady, she currently lives in Niskayuna with her husband Michael (a 1980 graduate of Union College) and their four sons.
For more information or to be placed on the mailing list call the UCALL office at 388-6072 or visit the web site at