Now that we have all the performance’s information about the two ovens, I combine all the data into one single graph to see which one performs the most efficiently and eventually makes the final decision.

PerformanceAlso today I started playing around with the Arduino toolkit to try get used to it. The main part of the toolkit is the Sparkfun RedBoard, which is one of a multitude of development boards based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ISP header, and a reset button.

I downloaded the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) into my laptop using the following URL:

After that, I installed the Arduino drivers into my computer by following the instructions on:Ā 

Also, I downloaded the codes for the 15 sample circuits from the guide from the following link:

Other than the RedBoard, the toolkit has a whole list of other parts that we can use on building a circuit, such as the wire, LED, resistors, potentiometer, diode, photo resistor, piezo element, sensors, transistor, DC motor, servo, relay, IC and LCD.

The guide explained thoroughly and carefully about how to set up the circuits and then step-by-step on how to make the circuit works using the Arduino IDE. I tried setting up the first two circuits, which are just making a blinking LED and a potentiometer.