I connected the insulated k-type thermocouple to channel 4 of the Arduino/TC4. The connection looks as below:

ConnectionAfter that, using the Artisan program that we installed earlier, I tested the performance of the thermocouple by inserting the ends of the thermocouple in the running toaster oven.


The artisan software was used to sketch the temperature over time of the oven. We want to know whether or not the data collecting from the thermocouple is consistent with the oven temperature, which we get from the thermometer shown above. By comparing the temperature from thermometer with the temperature measured from the thermocouple, we can then check and understand the performance and efficiency of the insulated thermocouple. Also, the thermocouple is tested in all 3 different modes (baked, broil and toast). Below are the resulted sketches from the Artisan software:

Bake Artisan



