Today we developed the block diagram the our dissembled oven and below is the first draft of our diagram:

photo (3)The oven has a total of 4 heating elements, 2 on the upper half and 2 on the lower half. The 2 elements on top are connected to each other and so do the 2 elements on the bottom. These 4 elements combine into a circuit by connecting the the upper right element with the lower right element. The 3 main controllers, which are the temperature controller, the function controller and the timer/toaster controller, link the whole circuit together and the way they are wired is shown above. This oven is also a lot more well-built than the other oven as it even has a controlling fan within it, which we hopefully can use for the purpose of our project. There is also a small LCD on top of the controller bar, which is not really functioning but might be helpful if we can integrate it correctly.

At the end of the day, I redrew the diagram so that it’s more detailed and easier to read and below is the final picture of the diagram:
