On the previous day we connected the circuitry system with 2 upper heating elements connected to each other and parallel to the two lower heating elements. After that, I did some test to see how the oven’s performance and below is the graph of the temperature rate of rising withing the oven using the thermocouple inserting inside the oven:

Parallel elements

Parallel elements

While the oven was running, I noticed that instead of all the heating elements running like what we expected, only the two upper elements actually worked and therefore the temperature rising is very slow and inefficient. In order to make full use of the oven, we want all the heating elements to run at the same time so that we can construct one similar to our temperature profile. My guess is that this problem occurs because we disconnected all the heating elements from the three controllers: temperature controller, function controller and timer/roaster controller. These controllers might have some connections with the working’s efficiency of the oven that we did not notice.

Therefore, instead of connecting the heating elements in parallel, I decided to the change it all into series. In this circuit, all the heating elements, both upper and lower, are connected in parallel. If we consider all the heating elements to be in one box, then the left side of that box is connected to the AC power, and the right side of that box is connected to the diode, which is in turn connected to the SSR. I hope with this new connection we would get all the heating elements working. After the rewiring, the circuit looks as below:

NewUsing the new circuitry, I ran the test using the RoastLogger program and eventually I acquired a graph looks as below:

