Internship Description, Responsibilities, and Requirements

Company Description: Siemens Power Technologies International (PTI) renowned experts provide the knowledge and expertise required to combine individual equipment components to a complete power supply system that meets even the highest technical and economical demands. Their product, PSS®E, is a trusted leader in the power industry for electric transmission system analysis and planning. It is…

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Project 1: Python/C API

Project Description: C API functions are used in PSS®E modules for Python 2.7. After the Python 3 update, some code written in Python 2 are incompatible with the new Python 3 environment. However, Siemens PTI intends to support either version of Python. Some codes have to modify or rewrite. This project focuses these updates and tests….

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Project 2: Python 2/3 Compatible Issue

Project Description: Similar to Project 1, this project focuses on solving the compatible issue between Python 2 and Python 3. A list of Python files, which are used in PSS®E, is needed to be checked for Python 2/3 dependencies. In this project, we have to use “compileall” to compile the files in both Python 2.7…

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Single-Hand Gesture Controller for Quadcopters

Hi! My name is Yucan Liu. This is my thesis research for my senior year in Union College. I majored in Computer Engineering. This senior project was advised by Professor Cherrice Traver. Drones technology was relatively new and rapidly developing. Even though the ethical concerns about the drone were still debatable, drones were widely used in…

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Video Demos

Wear the hand gesture controller. The larger section with chips should be on the hand back. The force touch pad should be on the palm. Adjust the two perf-boards and the rope to a comfortable position. Tighten the rope on the force touch pad side. Connect the battery. If the Arduino works, the LEDs on…

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