
Teaching Interests:  My teaching interests include microeconomics, the economics of growth and development, the economics of sin, political economy, and the economics of culture.  In 2014 I was nominated for the Stillman Prize for Excellence in Teaching.  In addition, I have published two articles on issues related to teaching economics.

Undergraduate Research:  I place a great deal of emphasis on teaching undergraduates to do original research.  While very labor intensive, I believe the payoffs for students are enormous, both personally and intellectually.  Key to this endeavor is the change in students from consumers to producers of economics, and the accompanying sophistication with which they view the field.


Eco 225 – Economics of Sin:  I recently developed a sophomore-level course in the economics of sin that address the economics of ethically complex markets.  The course includes sections on the markets for transplantable organs, cigarettes and the economics of addiction, illegal drugs, and the market for sex.  The development of this course was supported by a grant from the Rapaport Everyday Ethics Across the Curriculum Program at Union College.  A recent syllabus is available here: syllabus The Economics of Sin.

Eco 380 – Economics of Growth and Development:  In this senior level seminar, students read the current literature that attempts to explain the pattern of income levels and growth rates across time and countries.  A recent syllabus is available here:  Syllabus Economic Growth and Development.

Eco 381 – Economics of Culture:  This seminar introduces students to the rapidly emerging literature on the economic of culture.  Key topics include cultural transmission and persistence, the economics of religions, racism, culture work and saving, culture and gender, the taste for redistribution, trust, and culture and institutions.  We spend a good deal of time talking about the process of economic research, and students undertake original research projects.  The syllabus changes with each offering.  A recent version is available here:  Syllabus the Economics of Culture.

Eco 385 – Political Economy:  This seminar addresses the interaction between the political and economic systems and applies the tools of economic analysis to political phenomena.  The course involves a significant research component, and students undertake an original research project.  The syllabus is available here:  Syllabus Political Economy.

Eco 498-499 – Senior Thesis:  Economics majors undertake a significant independent research project their senior year.  My senior thesis syllabus is available here:  Senior Thesis .

Papers Coauthored with Students:



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