James Van Fleet
Bucknell University

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Bucknell University identifies itself as “a unique national university where liberal arts and professional programs complement each other.” Bucknell’s university-wide Educational Goals have been adopted as the learning goals of the whole College of Engineering and all degree programs within the College. The specific learning outcomes required by ABET have been mapped to these learning goals.

In 2013, Bucknell launched an effort to participate in the Grand Challenges program of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). This program identifies 14 Grand Challenges of Engineering and urges universities to establish Grand Challenge Scholars Programs (GCSP) to encourage and equip students to tackle these broad societal challenges. To develop and oversee our GCSP an internal steering committee was formed, consisting of deans, faculty, and staff from across the university. The University Library & Information Technology Department, Career Development Center, and Office of Civic Engagement are represented.
Grand Challenges Scholars are required to complete five program components; interdisciplinary coursework, research, entrepreneurship, service learning, and global activities. In 2014, Bucknell GCSP students participated in the Society and Technology Residential College, and took a first year Foundation Seminar course, normally required for students in the College of Arts & Sciences. In accordance with NAE guidelines, Scholars at Bucknell will complete a curriculum that prepares them to “work at the boundary between engineering and non-engineering disciplines.”

Bucknell offers many global experiences and service learning opportunities, including a study abroad summer program in Entrepreneurship and Renewable Energy, community service projects in New Orleans, the Nicaragua Bucknell Brigade, and a “Bucknell in Washington DC” program.

The Grand Challenges Scholars program at Bucknell University is emerging as a successful model, integrated with the University Mission, Educational Goals, and academic and service learning programs across the colleges, with diverse faculty, staff, and students participating in this effort.