Academic Journals


Making students’ work visible on the social web: A blessing or a curse?

Abstract: In this paper, we identify the implications for learning and teaching that emerge when students' assessable work is made visible to others through social media. We conducted a thematic analysis of transcripts from interviews with 20 Australian lecturers who...

Dancing Backwards in High Heels: Female Professors Experience More Work Demands and Special Favor Requests, Particularly from Academically Entitled Students

Abstract: Although the number of U.S. female professors has risen steadily in recent years, female professors are still subject to different student expectations and treatment. Students continue to perceive and expect female professors to be more nurturing than male...

Teaching the Whole Student: Integrating Wellness Education into the Academic Classroom

Abstract: College students are increasingly reporting higher stress, which can negatively influence their personal and intellectual development. Greater academic challenges and new social experiences in college may be accompanied by stressors like mental health...

‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’: Effects of self-perceived objectivity on hiring discrimination

Abstract: A sense of personal objectivity may prompt an ‘‘I think it, therefore it’s true’’ mindset, in which people assume that their own beliefs and introspections are, by definition, valid and therefore worthy of being acted on. In the present studies, priming a...

Effects of College Transition and Perceptions of the Campus Racial Climate on Latino College Students’ Sense of Belonging

Abstract: To clarify the conceptual underpinnings of Tinto's theoretical model of students' departure, the study presented here tested a conceptual model of the antecedents of sense of belonging to examine the extent to which Latino students' background...

Hidden competence: women’s mathematical participation in public and private classroom spaces

Abstract: This paper reports on gender and participation in one inquiry-oriented undergraduate mathematics course. While there is evidence that inquiry can better support all learners, especially women, less is known about the distribution of participation in inquiry...

Female Role Models: Protecting Women’s Math Test Performance

Abstract: Recent theory and research suggest that certain situational factors can harm women’s math test performance. The three studies presented here indicate that female role models can buffer women’s math test performance from the debilitating effects of these...

Gathering Mid-semester Feedback: Three Variations to Improve Instruction

Abstract: A valuable supplement to student evaluations of teaching (SETs) is the mid-semester feedback (MSF) technique, an intervention that can facilitate meaningful improvement of the teaching and learning experience. Scheduling time for an MSF enables a systematic,...

Whose Culture has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth

Abstract: This article conceptualizes community cultural wealth as a critical race theory (CRT) challenge to traditional interpretations of cultural capital. CRT shifts the research lens away from a deficit view of Communities of Color as places full of cultural...

A Meta-Analysis of School Belonging and Academic Success and Persistence

Abstract: According to the U.S. Department of Education (2012), 7.4 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds in this country were out of school without a GED in 2010. Numerous studies have found evidence that supports the relationship between school belonging and academic...