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Survey of Earned Doctorates
“These tables present detailed data on the demographic characteristics, educational history, sources of financial support, and post-graduation plans of doctorate recipients. Explore the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) data further via the interactive data tool.” GO TO SITE
“The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient’s educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees.” GO TO SITE