Every decision we make is an opportunity cost. Meaning that one is always sacrificing what they could have done for what they choose to do instead. Religion is a prime example of this concept because people choose to put their faith in a god, or several gods, and this sometimes involves a sacrifice. Whether it is faith, money or time one must sacrifice what they have to be apart of a religion. The Leviticus 14 reading has the blood of the innocent resemble the final act of cleansing a person who has a defiling skin. This idea led me to question what is the correlation between sacrifice and purification? In Leviticus 14, the theme of sacrifice is present in the majority of the story to demonstrate its importance to the Lord. I believe that the Holy Bible intended to leave the reader with the idea that sacrifice is necessary to be purified in the name of the Lord.
Leviticus 14 is about the cleansing of a skin disease that involves the priest having to sacrifice the blood of several animals as an offerings to please the Lord. Throughout the story, the reader realizes that the Lord demands offerings through the following descriptions of the priests duties, “Then the priest shall order that one of the birds be killed over fresh water in a clay pot” ,and “He is to slaughter the lamb in the sanctuary area where the sin offering and the burnt offering are slaughtered”(Leviticus 14). These quotes demonstrate how the Lord believes that the blood of these animals will fully purify the sinful skin disease. An interpretation of this quote could be that the of sacrifice and purification contradict each other. These gruesome acts of spilling the blood of animals are being done in these clean and wholesome environments. Dirty unforgivable acts turn into the offering to be redeemed by the Lord. The idea of blood sacrifice led me to believe that one must give up their life to be reborn with life benefits. One can conclude, that performing sacrifices and partaking in offerings acts as a gateway for worshipers to be purified.
I agree with you that every decision we make is an opportunity cost. One choice can change so much in our lives without even realizing it. I also like your conclusion that performing a sacrifice can be seen as a gateway for worshipers to be purified. However, I would ask if you think that performing gruesome acts like, “kill one of the birds over fresh water in a clay pot” (Leviticus 14) or “slaughter the lamb for the guilt offering and take some of its blood and put it on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed” (Leviticus 14) would be acceptable in today’s society? Do the ends justify the means?
I think the obvious answer is no, but it seems as if no one brings up the point that sacrificing innocent animals is not justifiable. Yes, humans are smarter, more complex creatures, but I don’t think that gives us the right to kill these animals that do not understand what we are doing. Although it is understandable for people to do anything for their religion and in this case the Lord, I find it selfish that we choose to kill innocent animals for our own cause. Even though this story was written a long time ago, the underlying theme of humans killing animals for our own cause is present today. It is seen in the food industry and with hunting for pleasure.
I agree with your claim and your introduction was engaging. I am not sure how arguable this statement is. I think it is obvious from your quotes that in this religion sacrifice is connected to purification. I think it would be interesting to look at modern religion and see how sacrifice is viewed now. In an article on The Gaurdian, author Jill Hamilton wrote,” One of the tenets of the faith is that Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice. Christians atone for their sins without the shedding of blood.”(https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2011/dec/15/no-role-animal-sacrifice-christianity)
Hamilton factually determines that animal or other human sacrifice is not part of the Bible. Jesus was the final blood sacrifice. Personally, I have recognized sacrifice as a personal action taken that does not harm anyone else, but help them. For example I would sacrifice my earnings to help someone else and to serve god. Furthermore, I think that it is important to look at religious texts with a modernized view. The Bible was written so long ago and so much has changed.
تأسست ايكيا على يد انجفار كامبراد عام 1943، وظهرت على أرض الواقع ككتالوج طلب بالبريد في مدينة ألمهولت المشجرة بالسويد. وهي اليوم علامة تجارية عالمية للأثاث المنزلي توفر الأسعار المناسبة والتصميم والراحة للناس في جميع أنحاء العالم. ربما قطعنا شوطًا طويلاً منذ بداياتنا المتواضعة، لكن رؤيتنا تظل كما هي: خلق حياة يومية أفضل للكثير من الناس. استكشف قصة ايكيا هنا، لمعرفة المزيد عن تراثنا، وما الذي يدفعنا اليوم والطرق التي نسعى بها للتأثير بشكل إيجابي على الناس والكوكب.
في عام 1995 استخدمت شركة ايكيا مصطلح التصميم الديمقراطي للمرة الأولى وكان ذلك في معرض ميلانو للأثاث، والتصميم الديمقراطي هو أداة تستخدمها ايكيا عند تطوير منتجاتها وتقيمها، لها خمسة أبعاد وهي الوظيفة، والشكل، والجودة، والاستدامة، والسعر المنخفض.
وخلال التسعينيات ازداد اهتمام إينغفار بالبيئة، وموّل مشروع “زرع بذرة” في مدينة بورنيو الماليزية بعد أن دمر حريق مساحات كبيرة من غاباتها، وبهذا المشروع أُعيدَت زراعة أكثر من 12500 هكتار من الغابات المطيرة أي حوالي 125 ألف متر مربع.
تركيب اثاث ايكيا
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Sacrifice a life force gives a energy for the sin to be transported to another dimension where it can’t affect anyone , the dimension we know it as hell. Sin will be destroying on this plain if it’s not transported to a place designed to hold it.Jesus was used to transport all sin , then left it there because he had no sin in him..That’s why they used particular animals ..