Fluid Mechanics 1
Course description: Analysis of fluid systems according to the control volume formulations of Newton’s second law and the conservation laws of mass and energy. Both differential and integral analysis approaches are taught. Includes study of hydrostatics, dimensional analysis, boundary layers, Bernoulli’s equation, head loss and piping systems, and lift and drag forces. Includes a laboratory component.
Heat Transfer Analysis and Design
Course description: Study of the different modes of heat transfer through the development and application of rate equations for quantifying conduction, convection, and thermal radiation heat transfer. Theory and applications are reinforced and complemented by the laboratory component of the course.
Thermodynamics 1
Course description: A basic engineering science course dealing with relations between heat and other forms of energy. Topics include: basic thermodynamic principles, properties of simple substances, energy and the first law of thermodynamics, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, ideal cycle analysis. Elementary environmental, economic, and sustainability considerations related to thermodynamic processes.
Course description: A basic engineering mechanics course concerned with the equilibrium of non-deformable bodies at rest or moving with a constant velocity on a straight path. Free body diagrams, Newtonian mechanics, vectors, and calculus are used to solve problems throughout the course. Topics include force vectors and systems, equilibrium, trusses, frames, friction, center of gravity, centroids, moments of inertia and fluid hydrostatics.
Research and Writing in ME
Course description: Project-based sophomore-level course for mechanical engineers that integrates three fundamental skills required for successful mechanical engineering communication: library research, data analysis, and scientific writing. The course teaches searching, interpreting, and communicating mechanical engineering literature. The basics of analyzing large engineering datasets using MATLAB code are covered, including visualization and numerical differentiation/integration. Conventions of writing in mechanical engineering are practiced through writing assignments based on analysis of large datasets.
Senior Writing Seminar
Course description: The course focuses on topics in mechanical engineering of current interest and importance. Students will make oral presentations, write reports on scholarly publications and critically evaluate these publications and the written work of their peers. A final thesis is required to fulfill the WS requirement.
Department of Mechanical Engineering at Union College
Mechanical Engineering Catalog