Tragedy of American Dreams

I think one of the greatest characteristics of Gatsby is that after he accumulated large amount of wealth and finally become a man that most people wanted to be, he still clearly remembered the beauty of his relationship in the old days, and he kept polishing it in his mind as well. Daisy stood as the perfect woman to Gatsby, which clearly she wasn’t. As Gatsby was born in a poor family that had nothing to do with the upper class, Daisy chose not to wait for him but married Tom, who came from a rich family. When finally Gatsby came back with huge wealth, he held parties everyday, as he was hoping that Daisy might stop by one day. When he finally caught Daisy’s attention, I think he realized that Daisy’s focus was more towards money instead of himself, but he still wanted to win Daisy over, the woman who was considered as his goal when Gatsby was at the battlefields.

Gatsby changed his name by himself, which I consider that he viewed himself as Jesus (Or he valued the virtues of Jesus and wanted to learn from Jesus?) Under such circumstances, he convinced himself to be royal to Daisy, even though he knew she was no longer the woman of perfection in his heart. Gatsby was used by Daisy and Tom, and died in the end.

During the time period, it was difficult for Gatsby to succeed, as he was not born in a rich family. Gatsby achieved American dream as he became really rich, but he was never truly accepted by people in upper class.

One thing that made me sad is that no one attended Gatsby’s funeral after he died. Those people who used to come to the party everyday suddenly disappeared, pretending they did not know the man. Daisy and Tom ran away from his death, too.

One question that I have when I was reading is :” Did Daisy kill Tom’s romantic partner purposely? or it was just an accident. I felt like she killed the woman deliberately.

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