
James Fenimore Cooper makes Indians seem like they are equal to the English settlers in his novel The Pioneers. The main character Natty Bummpo, or “Leatherstocking” is a white American who lives in the wilderness and is good friends with a number of Indians. His closest friend is a Mohican Indian, Chingachgook, which was very unusual at this time. Cooper uses this character, Natty Bummpo, to emphazise the importance of respecting all kinds of people and the land as well. He distrusts civilization and has a very strong bond with the Indians. Cooper was trying to expose the problems with American society in the early 1800s especially the mistreatment of Indians and the environment. Cooper created the character Leatherstocking by making him relatable to the Indians in order to show people that Indians are humans too. Leatherstocking was also very heroic as he saved Elizabeth’s life by killing a mountain lion. He also saves Elizabeth from a forest fire later on in the novel. He is very well respected by the Indians because he treats them as equals and shares their passionate reverence for nature. I think Cooper’s purpose in writing this novel was to show that there are white American men who live just like just like the Indians but are by no means savages. He portrays them as kind, heroic, and respectful to make the audience realize that Indians could also possess these characteristics.

6 thoughts on “Leatherstocking

  1. I feel that the way Native Americans are treated in the pioneer can be seen as a reflection of an overall change in the way they fit into the American mythos by the time the book was written. By this time, natives had been transformed in popular mythology into a magical people in touch with the land and possessing ancient wisdom.

  2. I think the reason Cooper wrote this whole leather stocking series was to depict the inevitable conflicts for the pioneers when they were trying to establish civilization, and also a debate of relationship between human and nature.

  3. I agree with you in that Leatherstocking was placed in the story to relate to the Indians. Leatherstocking serves as a buffer between the Americans and the Indians. He has characteristics that exemplify and are respected by both cultures, and through this Leatherstocking is able to meet them in the middle and be a character that can be used as an example.

  4. I feel Natty Bumppo (Leatherstocking) may represent what the ideal American should be. Because he is well respected by all people and cultures, Natty acts as a liaison, helping the Native Americans cooperate and coexist with the European-Americans. He is the archetype for the American people of the past, present, and future.

  5. Personally, I believe that Cooper wrote the leather stocking series to depict a period of change and progression of the humankind. The Leather stocking series shows the inevitable establishment of civilization in the New World. Cooper does an excellent job depicting the challenging time period of colonization by displaying both the Indians and Pioneers in a positive light.

  6. I think that Leatherstocking was put in for comparison to the Indians. Leatherstocking was an intermediary between the Americans and the Indians. He was able to represent each side and get a sense of respect from both. He was a crucial character in the story and tied other characters together.

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