Bellamy’s goal in writing Looking Backwards was chiefly to push forward his socialist beliefs. Based on the popularity of his work it is fair to say that he succeeded. He accomplished this by portraying a society that has shared capitol, while also not restricting individual freedoms. This was the key point that inspired the creation of nationalist political groups. In the nineteenth century, socialism was something that inspired worry in capitalistic societies. Despite this, Bellamy was able to successfully push his ideals by presenting them in a relatable way for his audience. Julian serves as the conduit for this by being an outsider in this society just as the reader is.
Bellamy also makes his ideas more palatable for his readers by including the sexism that was present during the nineteenth century. In his utopian world, women’s rights remain restricted. Each gender elects their own leaders, but men are the only ones capable of retaining the office of presidency. While women and men receive the same amount of credit each year, men remain fundamentally in control.
Bellamy also supports his ideas by pointing out positive changes in society. Equal opportunity for education and work practically eliminate crime from society. Also, with every job offering the same monetary gains, people choose jobs best suited for their skills. A direct result of this is the progression of art and literature, as the only factor dictating an artist’s success is talent.
Based on the world response to this novel, Bellamy was successful in his presentation of his views by fitting it to his audiences beliefs.