Some black and white photos
Back in the “old days”, my cameras held “film”, were processed in a darkroom by me, and were then printed in the darkroom using a photographic enlarger and those trays of developer, water, and fixer. Here are a few of my favorites from those days.

Chapel Pond on Route 73, Keene Valley, NY. Right by the road; you can’t miss it.

The Nott Memorial at night on a foggy evening. This 16-sided building, at the center of the Union College campus, is, well, I guess I’d call it unique.

Jackson’s Gardens, along the border. This picture was taken years ago. Those trees aren’t there any more.

Jackson’s Gardens, taken on infra-red film many years ago, I worked with infrared film in my course, “Scientific and Technical Photography.

Boom Beach on black and white film, years ago. We visited Isle au Haut many times. Boom Beach was a favoriet place to visit. They say that when the big winter storms come through, you can hear the crashing of these rocks back in town a couple of miles away.

This old Ford, long since abandoned, was left to rot zaway. Cars on Isle au Haut were never inspected, but they were lisenced. Decaying parts of old cars could be found in many places on this island and other islands.

Wales, a bathroom in an inn we stayed at. I call this one “loo with a view”.

Abandoned house overlooking Head Harbor. It’s gone now. It was put there to enjoy the great view over the ocean and the southern end of the island.

This old sentinel looked out over the ocean at Thunder Gulch. We saw it there on summer, but the next summer it was gone.

The rock surfaces have been worn down an smoothed by the winter storms which tossed the rocks and boulders around, gradually chipping off the rough spots.

Nova Scotia morning.

Schoodic peninsula, part of Acadia National Park. Our first trip there, a beautiful foggy morning.