Chris Jones
Chris Jones…
from Madison, NJ;
Andover, NJ;
Geneva, NY (Hobart College);
Baltimore (Johns Hopkins);
Ames, Iowa (Iowa State),
Schenectady (Union College).
Glen Eddy, 6/1/2021
Welcome to my website. It’s organized through the links at the top of the page.
I’ve put in quite a few photos. My first camera, a twin lens reflex, came from the returns room at the Montgomery Ward store in Baltimore (about 1958). Many of the places where I worked had dark rooms available, and I used them to deveolop and print black and white film and make black and white prints. I didn’t learn 35 mm until I tought a course in “Scientific and Technical Photography” at Union. The digital age came rather late, after an accumulation of seventeen books full of mostly black and white negatives. Now it’s all digital, and quite connected with my computer.
Since I’m retired, my interests have shifted a bit from the college stuff over to photography, cooking, the grandchildren, and participating in the life of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Schenectady in a variety of ways. In 2021 we moved into Glen Eddy, a retirement community in Niskayuna, NY.
I’ve had two battles with cancer. My last treatment for lung cancer was in 2010. Sometimes I feel like a little miracle. Sometimes I feel like I’m on “extra time”.
Please feel free to drop me a line. I’d like to hear from you.
Added note: When I was a young man, my summer job was working at a YMCA camp called Camp Wawayanda located near Andover, NJ. They have since moved to the Catskills in NY state, and are thriving under the Frost Valley name. It was an important thing in my life. I have some stuff, and other stuff has been sent to me. If you’re interested, you can check out Camp Wawayanda page in the “Me” section.
Chris Jones