How to Apply
From Byron
How to Apply
Current Fellows
Past Recipients
Terms of the Fellowship

Funding offers faculty with the opportunity to build on the legacy of Prof. Byron Nichols’ career-long contributions to the Union College community. Byron promoted and engaged in meaningful intellectual, social and personal interactions with students both in and out of the classroom, helping them to recognize and actualize their potential in all aspects of their lives.
Funding supports faculty who are committed to broadening their teaching and mentoring skills and developing programs and activities that stimulate intellectual curiosity, foster civil discourse, and empower students to explore and question what they believe and why.
Length: 2-3 year award
Value: $30,000-$45,000 depending on length of fellowship
Funding provides:
- Released time – course reductions to free up faculty time.
- Travel to conferences and other opportunities for growth and development.
- Funding of hard costs associated with creating new courses and programs on campus.
- Other expenses pertinent to the Fellowship objectives.
Who Should Apply?

All Tenured Faculty Members and Senior Lecturers Eligible
Those faculty members who wish to develop a new course or program that require them to explore new pedagogical approaches and develop a course or program that stretches their knowledge in and across fields of study. Priority is given, but not limited to, recently tenured faculty who wish to further develop their interaction with students in the classroom or extra-curricular settings.
What to Include in Your Application

- A description of a course, program or activity that meets one or more of the following objectives of the Fellowship:
- Empowering students to take risks in a supportive learning environment, explore what they believe and why, apply their classroom learning in the larger world, and solve problems together.
- Creating curriculum that applies the ethical framework of constructive engagement and collaboration. Topics of importance may include: the uses of power, balancing freedom and responsibility, understanding choices and their consequences, understanding paradigms and ideologies, and respecting differences while finding common ground.
- Designing innovative mentoring and advising strategies, Minerva programs and immersion activities. Facilitating post-graduate opportunities.
- A description of how time and resources will be allotted, including:
- Requests for attendance at courses and conferences that foster professional development in pedagogy and in relevant fields of study.
- Request for course release time for preparation of the new initiative.
- Specific and detailed budget.
- Plans for how to implement the course, program or activity after the term of the Fellowship has ended.
How to Apply

To apply, please read the application memo for the Nichols Endowed Fellowship on the Policies and Forms webpage.
Inform Dean Angrist of your intent to apply by Friday, December 9, 2022.
A selection committee will review applications and make a recommendation to Dean Angrist by mid-February. Additional information may be requested by the committee.
applications are invited every 2-3 years