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Conference Travel Grants

As you may know, we had over twenty new colleagues join us this fall.  As part of new faculty orientation this year we invited them to participate in a “Boot Camp” modeled on the Faculty Development Institute and run by Denise Snyder and Stacie Green.  Denise and Stacie continue to communicate and consult with them but we also want to have support from faculty who are actively teaching (and implementing these techniques in) classes at Union.

We are writing to see if you would be willing to serve as a Pedagogical Partner to one of these new faculty.  Generally we would aim to match people by division but not department.    We think this is an exciting opportunity for you to share your wisdom to help make teaching at Union better — and to build on it!  Through the support of the Our Shared Humanities grant we would be able to offer you a $250 stipend for your efforts.
  • In October, check in with your new Mentee (reach out via email, have lunch/coffee, and talk about any initial challenges, questions, etc. they may have about teaching that they have beyond what they may feel comfortable asking their department chair).
  • In January (or sometime in early Winter term), check in again if you haven’t heard from Mentee, and find a time to observe his/her class. Stacie will provide a “Mentoring the Mentor” session in fall term, and provide Mentors with an observation template that will provide concrete things to look for/provide feedback.
  • In Spring term, check in with Mentee at least once to see how things are going over email (if you haven’t heard from Mentee)
  • Be available as an occasional general resource and thought partner for the Mentee throughout the year if s/he needs to reach out to someone beyond their department chair and get advice/talk something through about his/her teaching.
  • In June, provide Dave (Jenny/Denise) feedback and recommendation for future Mentorship programming for 1st and 3rd year faculty.
Please fill out this form if you are willing to participate, or contact me if you have questions.

David A. Cotter
Professor of Sociology
Director of Faculty Development
Union College
807 Union Street
Schenectady, NY 12309