Chaucer’s Virtual Author Discussion with Carol Hay (Think Like a Feminist) and Kate Manne (The Logic of Misogyny; Entitled).

Join authors Sarah J. Jackson, Moya Bailey, and Brooke Foucault Welles to look at how marginalized groups use Twitter to advance counter-narratives, preempt political spin, and build diverse networks of dissent. Learn more about the book: https://bit.ly/35DTLt4

In October 2019, I had an amazing conversation at UCLA with Dr. Laurie Mintz about the clitoris and female pleasure. This is a cut-down version of the full conversation. Dr. Mintz is the author of the book Becoming Cliterate and a professor at the University of Florida.

Why are women having substantially fewer orgasms than men? Laurie Mintz discusses the cultural reasons for this orgasm gap and challenges us to close this gap by changing our language regarding sex, calling out false media images of women’s pleasure, and by equally valuing women’s and men’s most sure-fire routes to orgasm.