Week 1: The F-Word
September 13: The Big Day One Extravaganza
September 15: The Bigger Day Two Extravaganza: reread the syllabus, come to class with any questions you may have and fill out our little getting-to-know-you questionnaire; Improv with Koppett!
September 17: read Think Like a Feminist (“Preface,” pp.1-29 and “Why Not Humanism?,” pp. 189-190) and do a deep social media dive on something that interests you related to sex and power, like: #feminism, #toxicmasculinity, #abortion, #intersectionality, #metoo, #misogyny, #misogynoir, #patriarchy, whatever. Be prepared to share your discoveries with the class!
Week 2: Sex and Pleasure
September 20: read Becoming Cliterate, Sextion One and Chapter 7 (yup, that’s how it’s spelled)
September 22: Class visit: Gillian Singer, ‘19: read materials (google drive)
September 24: Zoom speaker: Dr. Laurie Mintz, ‘82: read Becoming Cliterate, Sextion Four
Week 3: Institutional and Systemic Misogyny
September 27: Class visit: Dr. Jen Grayburn, “Sex, Science, & the Conception of Women’s Medicine”: read materials (google drive)
September 29: read Down Girl, chapters Introduction (to p. 18), chapter 1, and chapter 3
October 1: Zoom speaker: Dr. Kate Manne: read Down Girl, chapter 6, one other randomly assigned chapter, and conclusion
***Dr. Kate Manne Campus wide zoom talk @4pm***
Week 4: Misogynoir and Feminists of Color
October 4: read Audre Lorde, excerpts from Sister Outsider (google drive) and Patricia Hill Collins, excerpts from Black Feminist Thought (google drive)
October 6: read Misogynoir, introduction and chapter 1 + 2
October 8: Zoom speaker: Dr. Moya Bailey: read Misogynoir, chapter 3, 4, and conclusion
***Dr. Moya Bailey Campus wide talk @4pm***
Week 5: Gender, Sex, and the Law
Ocotber 11: Class visit: Mary Simeoli: read Think Like a Feminist, “Sexual Violence,” pp. 131-161
October 13: Term Project conversation; read Think Like a Feminist, “The Social Construction of Sex,” pp. 99-129
October 15: Show + Tell
We’re going to read a lot this term, but there’s also plenty of media to consume that extends beyond the covers of a book. So this assignment asks you to select and watch something that pertains to our class content and then come to class prepared to discuss it with your classmates. Feel free to watch a film and/or a few episodes from a television show of your choosing. There is nothing official to submit here; just come to class ready to summarize, contextualize, and engage!
Week 6: Gender, Inequity, Athletics
October 18: Watch Disclosure
***October 19: Dr. Laura Erickson-Schroth Campus wide talk @5pm***
October 20: read Unsportsmanlike Conduct, introduction, and one of the five different sections in Part I depending on group breakdown
October 22: Class visit: Jessica Luther; read Part II and conclusion
***Jessica Luther Campus wide talk @4pm***
Week 7: Gender Systems and Power Structures, Week 1
October 25: Class visit: Dr. Julia Hormes, “Gender Biases in the Academy”: watch Picture a Scientist (available on Netflix)
***LGBTQ Month Speaker: Rabbi Sandra Lawson @7pm***
October 27: Class visit: Dr. Silvina Yi, “Whose Space?: Gender and Power in the City”: read Kern’s “City of Men,” Feireiss’s “Livin’ in the City: The Urban Space as Creative Challenge,” and Bieber’s “Desires Will Break Out of Homes and Put an End to the Dominion of Boredom and the Administration of Misery”
***October 28: Women in Male-Dominated Disciplines Minerva Event @5pm***
October 29: Class visit: Dr. Dave Cotter, “Still Stalled? Slowed Progress Toward Gender Equality”: read England, Levin, and Mishel’s piece on stalled progress
Week 8: Gender Systems and Power Structures, Week 2
November 1: Class visit: Dr. Zoe Oxley, “Gender and Political Power”: read materials (google drive)
November 3: Class visit: Dr. Fuat Sener, “Gender and Economics: Understanding the Wage Gap”, read materials (google drive)
***Dr. Carol Hay Campus wide zoom talk 5:00***
November 5: Class visit: Dr. Deidre Butler: “Womanist Epistemologies”: read all through this site
Week 9: Gender Systems and Power Structures, Week 3
November 8: Class visit: Dr. Lori Marso; watch Promising Young Woman
November 10: Zoom speaker: Dr. Carol Hay; Read Chapter 6, Think Like a Feminist
November 12: Reflections; Term Project Workshop
Week 10: Final Project Presentations