Fall Week 4

This week I received two XBee modules to test before ordering my own. I managed to install the XBee management software and sync up to the modules using the USB shield that was provided. While these modules operate at 2.4GHz and the final product operates at 900MHz, all of the setup and configuration is the same so I will be apply the same process to both. On Thursday of Week 5 I have a Design Defense presentation for ECE498 so I have been making a presentation. I attempted to rewire the MPL3115A2 altitude sensor since using it in a demo at last weeks aero meeting and was getting errors from the chip so I will have to look into it further. By the end of this week I want to submit a budget request for an Arduino Uno and various sensors and shields to begin testing and assembling a system.

Below is a link to my design defense presentation:

Design Defense PowerPoint