
Designing a Wireless, Modular Strut for Vibrationally Controlled Tensegrity Robot

Tensegrity Strut Board Layout

Posted by on Nov 29, 2017

Summery While determining the layout for the strut, important features that were included were separated ground planes between the logic and the motor separated by a 0Ω resistor, heat dissipation from the components, and size.  The I/O pins are arranged in such a way so that the strut is still compatible with Simblee...

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Tensegrity Strut Schematic

Posted by on Nov 29, 2017

Summery The proposed design consists of a rfduino logic core that receives information from a control computer and accelerometer while outputting a PWM signal to a motor controller. One buck-boost voltage regulator is used to supply 3.3V power to both the rfduino and the and the accelerometer, while another supples 5V to the motor and motor controller. The motor controller takes PWM and direction signals from the rfduino and outputs a three phase signal to the motor. The motor then reads the back EMF to regulate the motor frequency. In order to connect all of these parts as intended, supplementary parts were needed. Furthermore, the board needed to be laid out for optimal electrical connections and be the length of a full strut. Datasheets Used: Simblee RFD77101 Datasheet Simblee User Guide MPU-6000 Datasheet DRV10964 Datasheet TPS6306x Datasheet...

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