Visual Culture in Communist China

observing, analyzing & re-presenting the art of twentieth century china

January 8, 2019
by shengx

Xuanzhuo Sheng



I am Xuanzhuo Sheng. I am a sophomore in mechanical engineering. I’m from China. I love playing games such as CSGO and PUBG. I also love traveling a lot. Last summer break, I went to Japan with my parents. Japan is a very interesting country with lots of food and great culture. The first picture above is the Fuji mountain. The second and third were taken in Tokyo.

January 8, 2019
by agadzhad

Daria Agadzhanova

Hi, I am Daria! I am a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Visual Arts. I am from Moscow, Russia. I am interested in history, art and film. I am the current president of the Association for Computing Machinery chapter on campus.

I am looking forward to this course because I have always wanted to take an Art History class.


January 8, 2019
by famularm

Mitchell Famulare

Hi I’m Mitchell! I’m a sophomore, double English and Art History major. I’m super into fashion, music, art, and film and I’m from Niskayuna, NY. I’m the current Arts Editor for The Concordiensis, Co-President of Concert Club, and I have my own radio show with WRUC. I’m super looking forward to learning about Chinese artists through the context of Communist China as well as being exposed to non-Western art. Here’s a pic of me from the Paris mini-term this past December !

January 8, 2019
by elderl

Lauren Elder

Hi, I’m Lauren. I’m a senior, completing a double major in Biology and Studio Arts. I’m from Troy, New York. On campus, I’m involved in Gamma Phi Beta sorority and play the saxophone for our Jazz Band and Pep Band. I am also a teammate on the intramural team, The Barbarians. We play soccer, softball, and broomball, and are hoping to win the broomball championships this season.

I haven’t learned very much about Asian art in the past, so I’m very excited to learn about Communist China’s history and art through this class.


Attached is a photo of my twin sister and me!

January 8, 2019
by brownp7

Peyton Brown

My name is Peyton Brown, I am a sophomore and currently undecided. I am potentially interested in visual arts after taking several photography courses. I am from Fairfield, Connecticut. I think this course material is going to be very interesting to look into, especially because we are able to do our own research on a specific artist that we are interested in. This is just a picture of me and my siblings. 

January 3, 2019
by Sheri Lullo

Prof. Sheri Lullo

Welcome to the course! While my research focus is on the archaeology of early China, I spent a lot of time in grad school studying modern and contemporary Chinese art so that I could teach this course one day, and now it’s one of my favorites. This is my 8th year teaching at Union. I’m originally from Chicago, but have lived in Hong Kong and China, and spent many years in Pittsburgh for grad school. I also travel to France almost every year to visit family. Above is a photo of me doing a cartwheel in the Forbidden City, Beijing, when I was about your age.

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