#chm224 http://bit.ly/2F3G8Fk
#chm224 https://t.co/ktcRxUigsW — Brian Cohen (@profbdcohen) January 22, 2018
#chm224 https://t.co/ktcRxUigsW — Brian Cohen (@profbdcohen) January 22, 2018
This is exceptionally cool: A STING-activating nanovaccine for cancer immunotherapy http://bit.ly/2s1Hugk #CHM224 — Brian Cohen (@profbdcohen) June 8, 2017
A long way from bench->bedside, but progress: Researchers Develop Nanodisc-Based Cancer Vaccine http://bit.ly/2ilDpMZ #BIO094 #CHM224 — Brian Cohen (@profbdcohen) December 30, 2016
Interesting article on challenges surrounding DNA origami for drug delivery. #BIO380 #CHM224 #ESC324 http://bit.ly/2eqxNOO — Brian Cohen (@profbdcohen) October 31, 2016
Is it hot in here? labroots.com/trending/micro…</a#ESC3242#CHM22424
Researchers have figured out how to store the entire Internet in a test tube bit.ly/1Pr4WsJ #via @ScienceAlert #BIO380 #ESC324
Beacuse allotropes of carbon are cool: Diamond nanothread rivals graphene as next big wonder material sciencealert.com/diamond-nanoth…</a@ScienceAlertrt
Handheld DNA reader revolutionary and democratising, say scientists gu.com/p/4db7k/stw #nanopore #bio225 #esc324
BioTechniques – DNA Smart Glue: biotechniques.com/news/biotechni… #BIO380 #CHM224
Self-Propelled Micromotors Take Their First Swim in the Body scientificamerican.com/article/self-p… #CHM224