BioTechniques – Why Proteins Only Contain 20 Amino…
BioTechniques – Why Proteins Only Contain 20 Amino Acids:…</a#BIO2252#BIO33535
BioTechniques – Why Proteins Only Contain 20 Amino Acids:…</a#BIO2252#BIO33535
Are You More Biology, Chemistry, Or Physics?… vi@kahoakese@BuzzFeedUKUK
A Confession of Liberal Intolerance
There’s one outdoor classroom with a chalkboard. I wonder if there will be a Hunger Games-esque battle royale for the space?
Campus wide power outage this morning. This should make for an interesting day.
#BartNasty earning his #BigSexy nickname. Colon belts his first career home run to left field via @MLB
Nail biter at William Smith: @UnionWLax down 1 with 7 minutes remaining. #goU #BeatSkidmore
I don’t really care who wins Dem nomination but seems rigged for the establishment. Even if it isn’t, there’s the appearance of impropriety.
Warning- political tweet: Super delegates should go to candidate that won state, not be free agents. IMO it thwarts will of state voters.
Amazed & a little nauseated at the cacophony of sniffles, coughs, & blowing of noses during my exam. Bad place to be if you’re germophobic.