There’s one outdoor classroom with a chalkboard. I…
There’s one outdoor classroom with a chalkboard. I wonder if there will be a Hunger Games-esque battle royale for the space?
There’s one outdoor classroom with a chalkboard. I wonder if there will be a Hunger Games-esque battle royale for the space?
Campus wide power outage this morning. This should make for an interesting day.
#BartNasty earning his #BigSexy nickname. Colon belts his first career home run to left field via @MLB
Nail biter at William Smith: @UnionWLax down 1 with 7 minutes remaining. #goU #BeatSkidmore
I don’t really care who wins Dem nomination but seems rigged for the establishment. Even if it isn’t, there’s the appearance of impropriety.
Warning- political tweet: Super delegates should go to candidate that won state, not be free agents. IMO it thwarts will of state voters.
Amazed & a little nauseated at the cacophony of sniffles, coughs, & blowing of noses during my exam. Bad place to be if you’re germophobic.
TMW you get all the way to your car and realize your car keys are in your coat in your office. #smh
Harry Potter & the Genetics of Wizarding. Today, 4/25/16, 3:00pm-4:00pm on #DNADay16 #BIO225
My fav parts of this: no Wilkins and Franklin is listed first. #EatThatJimmy…