Location and Meeting Time:  Zoom;  T,Th 9:00 AM-12:00 PM



The main objectives of this course are to understand some of the fundamental concepts involved in the life cycle of a cell, how cancer is related to those processes, and how those fundamental processes have led to advances in cancer treatment


    1. TEXTBOOKS (required)
      • Understanding Cancer

        by J. Richard McIntosh, ISBN-13: 978-0815345350, 2019, Garland Science
        You can purchase a copy on Amazon if you like but I am requiring you to purchase a version through Perusall so that I can assign readings; there is a 6 month rental available at a pretty reasonable price.

      • Scientific American Special Issue “Tackling Cancer”

        I will be providing these readings through Perusall.

      • These textbooks are required, as there will be assigned readings that will either complement or expand upon the material presented during lectures.  However, the lecture period remains the most important and efficient way of learning the material in the course.
      • Presentations will make use of traditional teaching tools as well as assorted electronic resources.  I will rely heavily on Nexus to transmit files including supplemental readings and slides presented in class.  If you have any problems please let me know so I can find another way to get you the required files.
    3. GRADES
      Assignment Percent of final grade
      Perusall readings
      Attendance/Class participation

      Questions about grades on assignments must be resolved no later than one week after the assignment is handed back. No changes will be made after that time.

    • Late Policy
      All assignments are due by the beginning of the class period on the stated due date unless otherwise stated.  Work handed in later the same day will go down a fraction of a letter grade (i.e. B+ to B).  After that, the penalty for late assignments is one letter grade per day late (i.e. B+ to C+).
    • Students Requiring Accommodations
      Please come to my office with the appropriate documentation to discuss accommodations required such as extended test taking, etc.
    • Topics of Study
      • What is cancer?- Biological basis
      • Historical understanding of cancer
      • How does cancer happen?
        • Chemical
        • Biological
        • Radiological
      • Genetics and Cancer Risk
      • Nutrition and cancer prevention
      • Cancer Therapies
      • Alternative and complementary therapies
    • Assignments
      • 3 written exams
      • 4 quizzes
      • 4 Nexus journal entries
        • Topics to be announced
      • Presentation
        • Individual presentation on specific types of cancers, addressing the types of questions described under topics of study above (cause, risk, treatment options, etc.)
        • The goal of the presentation is to apply concepts from lecture to the analysis of specific types of cancer.
        • The type of cancer is up to each of you, at the discretion of the instructor- no duplication is allowed.  Although you may choose any type of cancer, some cancers have more information available than others.
        • Each of you will prepare a 15-20 minute PowerPoint presentation that will address the following questions:
          1. Morbidity and Mortality
            1. How many cases are detected each year- is that number on the increase or decrease?
            2. How many people die each year from that type of cancer- is there a trend in the number of deaths annually?
          2. Initiation, promotion and progression- Are there known causes for the disease (i.e. specifically that type of cancer, not cancer in general)
            1. Are there specific hazards?
              1. Environmental
              2. Occupational
            2. Is there a genetic link?
              1. Have specific genes been linked?
              2. Do they know what those genes do?
            3. Chromosomal abnormalities
          3. Physiology and prognosis
            1. What is the disease course?
            2. What are the side effects of the disease?
          4. Treatment options
      • Important Dates
        1 6/23-6/25 Journal #1
        2 6/30-7/2 Quiz #1 (online) closes Journal #2
        3 7/7-7/9 Quiz #2 (online) closes Exam 1
        4 7/14-7/16 Quiz #3 (online) closes Journal #3
        5 7/21-7/23 Quiz #4 (online) closes Journal #4
        6 7/28-7/30 Exam 2 Presentations


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