WORK AREA “A”- Science & Engineering Courtyard (North)
- Thursday: Remove Concrete from existing Columns & brick fascia on North side of S&E- Noise Impact, work scheduled to STOP by 1:50pmThursday: Install
- Temporary Sheeting for “NEW EDITION”; work to start at 3:00pm- Potential Minor Vibration & Noise
- Friday: Steinmetz Symposium -NO WORK SCHEDULED
- Monday: Continue concrete removal on existing columns (North side of S&E)- NOISE IMPACT, work scheduled to STOP by 1:50pm
- Monday: Install Temporary Sheeting for “NEW EDITION”; work start time dependent on Thursday results/ Potential minor vibration & noise
- Tuesday: Install Temporary Sheeting for “NEW EDITION”- Potential minor vibration & noise
- Wednesday: Install Temporary Sheeting for “NEW EDITION”- Potential minor vibration & noise
WORK AREA “B”- South side of Science & Engineering
- Thursday; Insulate condenser lines
- Thursday; Backfill condenser lines
- Thursday; Subsurface utility exploration on SW corner of S&E- Relocate students/faculty to new asphalt walkway during operations
- Friday; Steinmetz Symposium -NO WORK SCHEDULED
- Monday; Subsurface utility exploration on SW corner of S&E- Relocate students/faculty to new asphalt walkway during operations
- Monday; Temporary fence installation-
WORK AREA “C”- Alexander Lane
- Thursday- Increased truck traffic due to deliveries – Flag persons provided during deliveries, North lift gate on Alexander Lane open 7a.m. – 3 p.m.