
All current members should keep a Member Training Log to keep record of completed shifts and training, as well as fill out the Member Information Google Form. In order to become a member of UCEMS, one must sign the Membership Contract and complete the Active Member Checklist, which includes attending at least two shifts and witnessing one patient interaction.

Please contact an officer for any forms/documents.


Scheduling Shifts:

Go to our google sheets schedule and comment your name, using your Union Google account, in a blank box under the correct personnel category. An officer will review your comment and officially add you to the schedule. You must arrive at the Bunk Room in Richmond Basement 15 minutes prior to the start of your shift. Your crew chief will reach out to you prior to your shift with any other details as well as for confirmation.

Cancelation policy: you must notify an officer four days prior to your shift, failure to do so can lead to suspension of your membership. Exceptions include emergency situations, left to the discrepancy of the officers.

Active Members

Active members are required to attend 3 meetings a term and work for 3 shifts a term. One of these three shifts must be a night shift if the member is a cartified EMT in the state of New York.