Mentee Information

Why apply to the IMPACT program?

As a mentee, you will explore a range of academic and professional topics with your mentor and possibly position yourself for an internship or career at her/his company. Other possible outcomes of your mentor relationship:

  • Mentor may connect you to resources and professional networks.
  • Mentor may help you hone your skills, such as effective communication, leadership, poise, etc.
  • You will gain insight into the industry, company culture, and work environment.
    • You will learn whether you can see yourself doing that type of work or being employed by that type of organization.
  • Mentors may help you establish goals and offer practical advice on how to get there.
  • Mentors will provide encouragement and support.

General Expectations

Mentees should expect to:

  • Meet to discuss expectations during a Meet & Greet lunch.
  • Meet with their mentor in person 1-3 times per term.
  • Commit to the time and energy it requires.
  • Be interested in and prepared for each conversation, call, or in-person meeting.
  • Identify appropriate communication channels with your mentor: e.g., email, work or cell phone, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms.
  • Establish clear goals that you would like to accomplish.
  • Be open to feedback.
  • Use professional communication (avoid ‘college’ or ‘text’ speak; e.g., do not use “Hey” or “lol”).
  • Be on time; be courteous.
  • Be responsive; try to respond to all communication within 24 hours.
    • To your mentors and the IMPACT team.
  • Show appreciation; say “thank you” and send thank you emails that reference something that was helpful or insightful to you.

Things to keep in mind

As you consider applying to be an IMPACT mentee, please consider:

  • The more you share with your mentor the better guidance they will be able to offer.
  • Consider your strengths, goals, concerns, intentions, and achievements.
    • You should be able to articulate each of these items with your mentor. Take time to reflect before you engage.
  • Becker Career Center advisors will be able to help you prepare for your first and subsequent meetings with your mentor.
  • There may not always be a perfect industry match. It is important to keep in mind that the relationship can still be valuable, you can still serve as a resource as they continue their career exploration.

Remember: Not only do you represent yourself, you represent Union College.

Apply now to become a mentee!