I’m feeling very excited and anxious about our upcoming trip to Louisiana.  After all of the reading, diversity training, seminars, and documentaries, I think we are all feeling prepared for the journey.  The preparation for the trip has been extensive, but I think it will prove to be extremely pertinent and useful to the work will be do in Louisiana.  I feel unbelievably more comfortable about being immersed into the culture and being surrounded by the residents that were so impacted by the disasterous effects of Katrina.  With everything that we have learned, I think that our group will be able to assimilate, learn and contribute very efficiently with the little time we will be down there.  Today we went the the Schenectady Landtrust and learned how to use certain tools, especially those pertinent for construction of houses, which obviously will be beneficial for us in Louisiana.  The visit to the Landtrust got me very excited for finally getting down to New Orleans, Houma, and Dulac, and getting contribute to the relief effort.