post louisiana post

When people ask me how the trip was, I usually say that it was really fun. When they ask more about it I tell them about the poverty I witnessed and how much still needs to be done 5 years later. I tell them about the wide spans of new levee I saw, representing the area that had been breached in the hurricane. I tell them about the gutted houses we worked in. I’ve asked myself why this more detailed response seems to contradict the initial one-that I had fun. I think that the people in New Orleans and Houma, as well as my classmates, had such a positive attitude about Louisiana and it’s future, that it was easy to overcome the sadness of the situation down there, without forgetting it’s importance.

After Thoughts

When we came back from Louisiana I did not know what I thought about our trip and experience so when people asked how it was, my response was “It was interesting.” Of course that lead to long conversations of walls, trees, and multi-grain bread but everyone was always impressed with knowing that a group of us went to Louisiana to help someone else besides ourselves.

In my opinion, this trip could be revamped in numerous ways that probably will or will not be explored. Right now we are in the process of writing our papers and preparing for a presentation later this month. Even though my first word to describe this trip is “interesting,” I had plenty of fun and made new friends.

2 Weeks After

It has been about two weeks since we have been back from New Orleans and I have had much time to reflect on the time we spent down south. It’s interesting because when you come home everyone always immediately asks you how the trip went. My first instinct it was to say “Great!” While it was a great trip, it was difficult at times. I find it necessary to discuss how the trip was difficult because it would be misguiding to let everyone think it was all just a joy.
There were many times which one found themselves to be frustrated with either the conditions of southern Louisiana, or with the amount of work which one personally accomplished. At first I didn’t feel as though I accomplished as much work as I thought I would prior to going to N.O.L.A. However, it was hard to judge exactly how much work I did think I would be getting done. I keep reminding myself that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. While one can have a clearer understanding of the conditions while being in New Orleans for two weeks, they are unable to fully grasp the weight of the situation down south. Sometime you have to accept that there just isn’t enough time in the day to finnish what you had once hoped to finnish and that not meeting ones complete goal is O.K.
Overall though, our time in New Orleans was well cherished and I hope to make it back down to continue to help with future projects.

Viva La New Orleans!!

back to school..back to school

             It’s been more than two weeks since we left New Orleans, and i must say that it has been more than exciting to be back home and back to Union.
            Being in Dulac was unlike any other experience I have ever had and is definitely considered the biggest amount of ‘culture-shock’ I have ever been a part of. The big question that I have been hearing from all of my family and friends was ‘HOW WAS NEW ORLEANS?’
           My concise answer is ‘good!’, but I am more than certain people do not want to hear about every little thing I did each day. Furthermore, people do not have a clue what Dulac is or where it is located, so it was very difficult for people to comprehend that I didn’t spend my whole two weeks in New Orleans.
If I had the opportunity to elaborate to each person that asked me how the south was, I would inform them of the work we did with Ameri-corps, the struggles we faced and Dulac, and how this mini-term was an eye-opening experience much different from any of the other mini-terms that students went on. With all of that said, it’s awesome to be home, but I will forever have memories from the 1 intriguing week in New Orleans and the 1 infamous week in Dulac.

Reflection two weeks after the trip

So today is January 5, which makes about two weeks since we’ve come back from Louisiana.It was a relief to be home finally after a very stressful/difficult week in Dulac and talk to my family. I think that now being back at school its become very challenging to come up with the best answer to the question “How was Louisiana?!”. I have very mixed feelings about how I should respond. Part of me wants to go into a deep explanation of the stressful situations that we faced due to our environment and the dynamic of the group and group leaders. While part of me also wants to just say “It was fun and very rewarding.” because there were many aspects of the trip that I did enjoy and that were very rewarding and eye-opening.I usually tend to say a mixture of the too, because I wouldn’t want to mislead anyone about the experience. I wouldn’t want them to think it was a bad trip because it most definitely was not. However, I wouldn’t want them to think that it is a relaxing mini-term like some of the other mini-terms. There are multiple aspects of the trip that I would change for the future, but overall I do think it was a very valuable experience.

A Change of Heart

To be honest, leaving Dulac was somewhat of a relief. I was feeling sick, the days were exhausting, and it seemed like tensions were rising within the group. I was excited to see my friends and family and be able to talk about New Orleans and what a great experience I had. However, my recollections of the trip were somewhat tainted, presumably because of the last few days at Dulac. I went from raving about the trip the first week to whining about how much work I had to do. Instead of telling friends and family about Bourbon Street, the Jazz, and the Rock and Bowl, I would say I worked from 9-4:30, I was so tired, and we didn’t get out much.

After sharing my story I became surprised as to how much I complained rather than how much I talked about the fun I had. I began to wonder if it was because of how much stress I began to feel in Dulac. It is so easy for me to look back and think about the great experiences we had and the moments where my whole perspective on topics such as community service and New Orleans had changed, yet it is even easier for me to remember the times people were crying or complaining. It is extremely unfortunate that bad memories often take precedent over good memories in our minds, but the more I talked about the mini-term the more I recalled the great times.

The trip led me to become more mature and more aware of the world around me. I like to think that this is true for most people in the group and that they think more about the positives than the negatives, even though that was hard for me at first, too.