We have arrived!

Ok, we’re here and it’s great! 

 The flights down…

The flights went smoothly — layover in Charlotte and lunch at Chili’s — a nice break after our early 8:30 takeoff. 

Flight 1

 Most of us were wide awake, like Sarah and Kenny above, but a few of us, like Dave, caught up on sleep missed the night before…will he ever live this photo down???

Dave Napping 

We flew in over Lake Ponchartrain and marveled at how huge it really is…we were fascinated by the causeway. 

 flyin over ponchartrain

Jim Coningsby and Rachel Massey from PNOLA met us at the church for orientation –we start work bright and early at 9 tomorrow.  Surprise — the church has bunks for us this year, so we don’t have to sleep on the floor!  A quick supper at Felipe’s, Jim’s favorite Mexican burrito bar.  A crowd has gone to stock up the kitchen at Winn-Dixie…we start cooking for real tomorrow.  I’m off to bed early to get ready to really begin!